venerdì 6 gennaio 2017

Radical 12-3赤Chì, flame red

Radical 12-3Chì, flame red

“The fire burns, and the closer you get and the hotter the fire burns, the more it heats your body and your love!”

“A man is close to the flames, his face glows from the light of the fire”. The ancient Chinese had a colour they described as “flame red”. The colour red is in general the favourite colour of the Chinese. It brings good luck and happiness; it is to be found everywhere, a bride’s face and dress, the envelopes containing gifts of money or greeting cards, the messages or drawings of the Chinese new year.

In the theatre a red mask indicates a sacred person with certain characteristics: sincerity, loyalty and courage.赤誠chìchéng, means absolute sincerity. We can say a person has a heart like that of a child 赤子之心chìzǐ zhīxīn, or of a new born child because when a child is born it has a healthy red colour. We can also say赤裸  chìluǒ, used to mean nude or 赤足chìzú, bare footed, or 赤手空拳chìshǒu kōng quán,which originally referred to a person who was a gifted in unarmed combat, but which also refers to someone who manages to carve out a successful carrier starting from scratch, without any financial help.

Elaborated by Dante Basili / Stefano Danesi
Translated by Neil Berry

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