domenica 8 gennaio 2017

Radical 12-2 炎Yán,very hot

Radical 12-2 Yán,very hot

  “Look at that rock, the double-fire image is on it. What can these images communicate in today’s world ? ”

The double flames that burn bright” This is the way the ancient Chinese created an abstract concept like “very hot”, “extremely hot” used, for example in summer炎熱 Yánrè intense heat.

The character Yán is also used in medical terminology, 發炎 fāyán, to be enflamed 炎症yánzhèng inflammation. The “double-fire is used to make bigger or exaggerate even excessively the original character huǒ Fire.  Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the theory of interaction between the five elements. When there is too much fire and it is trapped in the body it is said that a person has shànghuǒ, too much fire , or上火氣Shàng huǒ to suffer from too much internal fire.

What’s more, when a person is very angry inside we can say 怒火nùhuǒ, anger, being a strong emotion creates fire.

Elaborated by M°Dante Basili / M°Stefano Danesi
Translated by Neil Berry


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