Progetto “Kids Shou Bo in Chinese”
anno 2015
“ Kids Shou Bo in Chinese “ was born in 2014,
the headquarters for the lessons is in Lodi ( Lombardia, Italy ) where I first taught
five children, it was a success, much appreciated both by children and parents.
In this new season – 2015/- 2016, with the encouragement of Master Yuan Zumou and
Master Stefano Danesi, I would like to propose to you this interesting project.
All summer I
studied and thought about how to re- introduce this valuable project, allowing more
schools to get to know it, make it more acceptable and share it with everyone.
Everyone thinks
that learning to speak the Chinese language is very difficult, let alone to
learn to write it. As a matter of fact, it is not so. All languages have their
own system. The Chinese system is named 象形字Xiang Xing Zi, commonly
known as a pictogram or ideogram system, but more specifically it is a system
that based on picto-phonics.
Chinese characters
in general may be referred to as ideograms, due to the fact that ideas are
represented directly by characters, but they can be divided into different
types, based on how they are formed or derived. Originally they consisted of
pictograms (Xiàngxíng
象形), from which derived “associative
compounds” (huìyì 會意), that consisted of two or more pictographs in
order to form the character with the logical meaning. However, the majority
originated as picto-phonic (形聲xíngshēng) which comprise 80 % of existing Chinese characters. Each Chinese
character is composed of two or more picto-phonetic components that help to
understand how to write and pronounce.
The basic
components are around 200, they are known as radicals and are fundamental in
the Chinese language. Therefore, once you learn these radicals, you can figure out
how it was composed and the sound of a character. Make studying more effective
and enjoyable!
In the project “Kids
Shou Bo in Chinese”, these radicals are divided into 5 sections, each section
has 36 radicals accompanied by one derivation, published on the site in the beginning of each new semester. Kids
will learn 72 characters in one year. This project is completed in five years,
the children will learn 500 Chinese characters, a good level for the Chinese
The system, used
in the project “ Kids Shou Bo in Chinese “ was not created by me but is an
original form of written Chinese language, it was born with engravings on
tortoise shells and ox bones甲骨文 Jia Gu Wen. It dates back more than 4000 during the Shang dynasty, these Jia Gu Wen
were made with oracle texts and songs relating to divination rituals. More than
100.000 fragments have been found and scientists and professors are able to
identify approximately 4500 different characters, including 1700 already
decoded. Thanks to Taiwan the findings have been published, so the world has
the opportunity to share this heritage of authentic and valuable culture.
" Culture is
life and life is beautiful" l would like to recite this famous line to all
of you and pass it on to our children with the same goal to grow together with them!!!
Minhua Lin
Bertonico 3 October, 2015

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